Let's improve your staff satisfaction

With more than 20 years of experience, we have not yet ran into a work-place with too much communication with the staff. Your internal communication might be working fine, but there is always room for improvement. Let's think together about how and by what means we could make your operations more efficient. We help you improve your communication and speed up the distribution of your content and data.


Communication development

If your company needs to develop internal communication, we offer our help with all your channels.

Personnel communication development targets:

  • How to further motivate your employees and thus increase their satisfaction with their job?
  • What information is needed in each unit?
  • Could addittional communication enhance occupational safety?
  • Could sales be increased with the right content?
    Current sales and goals (day / week / month / quarter / year)
  • Development can also concern the display of production information by site or department (safety instructions, general personnel information).

You can also provide staff with automatic lunch lists, local weather, news headlines in general or from your industry, or bus, tram, or flight schedules, for example. Let's think together with your staff about what information they could use in their work!

Expand your intranet to your premises

Internal communication increases the well-being of your staff

Many of our clients have expanded the intranet to display relevant information on screens in break rooms and other staff rooms. These info-screens have thus also increased the company's intranet usage; the more detailed information can be found there.

Likewise, we have replaced the corkboards and paper tags in break rooms with ten times more efficient infoscreens.

If your internal communication needs to be renewed or made more efficient, we will be happy to help!


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